Orbital Inclinations archive
Tag : banke

Offseason for the space program: been there, done that

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: March 18, 2012

March madness is in full swing on the college basketball courts, and spring training is in full bloom on baseball fields here in Florida and in Arizona. Both of which can mean only one thing to me: we are in the offseason for NFL football. But just because my Minnesota Vikings aren’t playing each week[…]

Getting robots and humans to get along

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: No Comments
Published on: March 4, 2012

It seems that on any given topic, our nation is split down the middle in its opinion of which side is right, or the best, or should win. Who we vote for, where we shop, what we eat – no matter what the question is, two major choices seem to rise to the top of[…]

It’s time to outdo what’s been done before

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: February 20, 2012

Welcome to the first edition of Orbital Inclinations. The title comes from the name of the opinion column that I occassionally contributed to back during the 1980s when I was a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla., and I worked on the student newspaper, the Avion. Now what does Orbital Inclinations mean?[…]

Welcome , today is Saturday, February 15, 2025