Orbital Inclinations archive
Date : May 27, 2012

Dragon at ISS: Shedding a tear over one heckuva deal

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Published on: May 27, 2012

Early Friday morning when astronaut Don Pettit grabbed hold of the SpaceX Dragon capsule with the space station’s robot arm, and I sat at my desk staring at the picture-perfect image on my monitor, a surge of emotions washed over me. It was an incredible moment, when a private company had launched its own rocket[…]

Remembering a recent, very busy day in space

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Published on: May 27, 2012

Lost in the noise of all the preparations to launch the SpaceX Falcon 9 a week or so ago, I’m not sure anyone in the space community really noticed it, but on one day, Thursday, May 17, here’s what happened… After launching from Kazakhstan late on Monday the 15th, on Thursday the 17th at 12:36[…]

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